Entries - Ornamental

Any item made principally from one or many pieces of wood which may be embellished with other materials. This item may be decorated, coloured, textured or otherwise enhanced. For example, the work may be a carving; a carved, textured, or painted item of woodwork; or a piece of marquetry, intarsia, or scroll saw work.

Highly Commended in Ornamental
Pohutukawa Sunset
Catalogue Number: 1039

Kauri turned as a platter, halved and reconstructed to be a double-sided hollow vessel which was then carved with an abundance or Pohutukawa blossom.  600l x 320h x 130w.  To see pohutukawa in full bloom at Christmas is iconic.


Catalogue Number: 937

Base and bowl is tanekaha, the finial is purple heart.  The finial base and bowl have been shiplap joined.  Finish is French polish/shellac.  H=270mm/Width at  base =75mm/lidded cup W=50mm/H=40mm.

Small is Beautiful
Catalogue Number: 1144

This piece of art is made of puriri with a deer antler finial; and finished with a spray of lacquer.  It is so tiny that it can fit on the palm of ones hand. D: 40 mm, H: 80 mm.

Submarine Tea
Catalogue Number: 1012

Inspired by the bizarre forms of steam punk, lathe turned with the spout and handle turned off-centre through four axes then carved to shape. The finish is rust effect paint with the detail carved then highlighted with gilding wax. 24cmx18cm.

Tall Vase
Catalogue Number: 997

Tall segmented vase.  Made from purple heart and garapa.   75 rings, 18 segments =1350 Total segments.   1260 high, 315 wide.  Turned in three sections on the lathe, removed and joined together, finished in semi gloss lacquer.

The 5th Cup
Catalogue Number: 1065

Kauri, turned, carved, guilders paste and reactive paints. Enamel clear finish.  An silver gilded vine weaving around a rusty cup. The loaded vine encompasses twelve figures, also doves, snails, an eagle, lamb and grasshopper.  175mm high x 140mm wide.


The Beech Tower
Catalogue Number: 1147

Made of beech burl and hollowed from the inside with an aluminum finial in the shape of a tower.  Made to balance on its side making it a perfect art piece  in any home.  H 210 mm, D: 150 mm.


The Improbable Confrontation
Catalogue Number: 924

Walking stick - NZ tuatara and Canadian prairie rattlesnake. Stick/snake-macrocarpa. Tuatara handle-cherry. Length-980mm, handle 190mm. Snake embellished with pyrography to create scale pattern, painted with acrylics. Wood sealed and coated with polyurethane.

3rd in Ornamental
The Medicine Hat
Catalogue Number: 1157

Made from kahikatea wet turned to 3mm thickness.  Painted satin black and burnt red.  Kahikatea feather with pyrography.  Plaited flax head band and interior liner.  Stand is off-centre turned black maire.  W:200mm x H:225mm.


Which Whole
Catalogue Number: 1048

A collection of rhomboids, all six faces on different centres and rhomboid sizes. Each wandering to a joint internal space.  Rotary carving and sanding. Using pyrography and dye.   One only colour on a considered pattern.